I hope you’re doing well and staying cool despite the hot weather EVERYWHERE! Things have been going well for us! We’re currently working on a number of huge projects…
Lesleigh and I just returned home from a week in Oklahoma. Several months ago, we were contaced by some folks who were putting together a benefit concert/a day to honor a veteran named Rusty Dunagan who lost three limbs in the war and just recently returned home. CLICK HERE TO CHECK OUT HIS WEBSITE.
It was a very powerful day and we are proud to have been a part of it!
Also, I’ll be doing a solo show this weekend in my hometown of Waukesha, WI. Mark your calendars! Here are the details:
Sat. August 13th Sprizzo Cafe Waukesha, WI 8pm-11pm FREE
I look forward to seeing many of you over the next couple of weeks! Take care! Tony