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Kopf Percussion


I’m very excited to announce my new endorsement partnership with Kopf Percussion!


Kopf Percussion is a family owned business located in Waycross, Georgia, dedicated to crafting the highest quality percussion instruments possible. The Kopf name has become synonomous with quality craftsmanship, incredible tone and impeccable attention to detail.

Each instrument is handcrafted in the USA using sustainable materials and environmentally safe finishing methods… Quality products backed up with top-notch customer service is not just our goal, it is our standard. Every Kopf instrument is backed up with a 100% Unconditional Satisfaction Guarantee.

In a sea of percussion manufacturers, Kopf Percussion stands out in the crowd as an undeniable leader.


I’ll be using the Kopf Percussion Oak Toe Kicker Stomp box. The lightweight and slim piece of wood plugs directly into my PA and with a slight tap of my foot, provides a rich and full bass drum sound. Watch and listen for my use of the stomp box at my next solo show!


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