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Teletón Rehabilitacion Infantil

Tony Memmel Trio with the patients, families, and staff at Teletón

Tony Memmel Trio with the patients, families, and staff at Teletón

**This post is about events that occurred last Friday (May 13, 2016). Thanks for reading this flashback post.**

We had one of the most meaningful programs of our tour, on Friday. We played a concert and led a discussion at a physical rehabilitation center for children, called Teletón. The children and the staff told us that they loved the music, and that seeing me play guitar was a big inspiration for them.

One boy commented that seeing us together as a band, and the husband-wife relationship that Lesleigh and I have, was very moving to him. He said in his country it isn’t common to see someone with a physical difference in a relationship with someone without one.

It was a moving, heartfelt moment. I paused to think about his statement, and about how I could respond…

I told him that in my experience, I hope and think of most people on some level that attraction to someone else and the friendships we have, are more linked to the character of a person, than to the look of a person. Be a good friend to others, and be confident in who you are and the way you were made, and the rest falls into place.


A photo with the artist!

After the concert and discussion, we had a meet-and-greet with the children and staff. One generous attendee was being discharged that day; before she left, she gave us a beautiful piece of artwork that she’d made. We’re looking forward to displaying the art piece when we get home, and will think of the wonderful Teletón community every time we look at it.


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