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Lucky Fin Song

CLICK THE PHOTO to listen to and/or download “Lucky Fin Song”

**50% of the proceeds from downloads go directly to the Lucky Fin Project**

The Lucky Fin Project (LFP) is a non-profit organization that exists to raise awareness, and celebrate children and individuals born with symbrachydactyly and other limb differences. It has been one of the great joys of my life to serve as an ambassador for the LFP…

As a touring musician, my work as an LFP ambassador has taken me all over the country and I’ve had the privilege to meet a great many families. It has been a keystone of my mission to emphasize A-bility over Dis-ability, and to show children (as well as adults) that all things are possible if you set your mind to them and don’t give up.

I am very excited to serve the LFP by providing them with a theme song!

Thank you for listening, Tony Memmel


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